Saturday, October 20, 2007

its a tour blog?

Cos I'm about to go on a big travelling trip, people asked if I'm going to make a tour diary or something. Also because a tax accountant told me that if I make a diary that records how much time is spent on promotional activities, I can claim a portion of my expenses as tax deductions.

So, the first gig of this tour was last night, in my backyard. The next gig will be in Monterey, California, I think. Join me as I travel through the USA, Canada, UK, Norway, Sweden, Thailand. Not all of these places are for playing gigs, some of it is for hanging out with folks, eh.

Pictured here is Sam J. Nicholson, joined by Annaliese and Dave. A nice number of odd people showed up, and it was a good night,. Even though I totally butchered some of my own songs, people somehow liked it. I sold a few CDs and badges. Yeah, badges, eh.
Badgers are cool.


mike said...

I knew you'd be back to blogging ;)

Anthony Rochester said...

back to?
I've never been a keen blogger..