Wednesday, November 14, 2007


So since we were up on the pacific northwest, I wanted to drive up to Vancouver to have a look, because I (having lived there for 2 years) hadn't been back for about 10 years. It was really nice to drive around where I used to live, it was a little surreal, even. Matt and Mike came with me and enjoyed it immensely.

We walked down a little trail to the rocky beach at west point grey, by UBC.

There's Matt jumping in the air at Canada place.

There's Matt and Mike taking pictures of swimming seals. One of the seals is swimming past quite quickly.

There's me crouching down at Stanley park with the Vancouver skyline in the background. I opted not to post the photo where I got Matt and Mike to hold hands..

There's my old friend Phil (Matt kept referring to him as Rob because he thought he looked more like a Rob than a Phil), eh.

There's Mike and Matt trying to pose like rock stars in Vancouver.

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