Saturday, November 03, 2007

goths and first gig

Well I can't imagine I'll ever be able to do justice to what's been going on in the last few days in a little blog entry.
Tuesday: The first time the Hepburns and I rehearsed together
there was an earthquake. 5.something on the richter scale, but we just kept on playing.
So imagine driving from san francisco down to santa cruz (1 1/2 hours) to play electronic drums for a cyber goth band (that uses backing tracks which already has a drum machine in the backing tracks), and then the main guy in the band who roped in some non-goths and brought costumes for us to goth-up with turns up so late that they put another band on instead, and then when he arrived decided not to play because there weren't many people there. oh well, that's ok, Rob is a really nice guy and is lending us a keyboard for this tour. But.. many hours of driving and I didn't even get a photo of me playing in a goth band. but we had a fun time in santa cruz anyway. The streets were packed with people in crazy costumes for halloween. we got into a packed place that was playing hip-hop, ate dinner at 2am in an american diner (with matt and mike from the Hepburns who came with me for moral support), and they were asleep the whole way back. I managed to find my way back to radio khartoum headquarter's (alexander bailey's place) with no directions or map, but I did make one mistake near the end and accidently went across the oakland bay bridge into san francisco and had trouble making my way back. At 4am mind you..

So last night was our first gig, in Monterey, CA. It was a great venue but we were all a bit apprehensive. I really like my new sparkly danelectro guitar, it sounds just right and looks awesome. my set was received really well and when the hepburns joined me onstage it was heaps of fun. I was super impressed with the hepburns as a live band. They're awesome, and it doesn't come through so well on their recordings. I'm very much looking forwards to the other shows now. This afternoon is a live performance on radio then a gig at santa clara university.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sounds interesting... I think many would like to see you as a goth...