Wednesday, November 21, 2007

New York

We went to New York. We got rid of the rental van because it would be too much hassle in new york. We all stayed in different places because everyone in new york lives in tiny apartments, eh. I stayed at a couple of different places - Stephen from Poundsign, who was good, and Angelique Clark, who was also good.

oh look, there's the brooklyn bridge

look, there's Pat trying to use chopsticks for the first time.

Look, its a cat in a record store! There were several cats living in this record store,

and Alexander and Lucy were dismayed at how well they were kept.

I went to the museum of modern art. This picture is from the architecture/design part, which was pretty cool.

There's a good painting.
That's by Andy Warhol, eh.

Oh look at Matt with his rock star sunglasses. Next to him is Simon Wright, who kind of manages the Hepburns. He came to New York with his wife too, to meet us all and hang out for a few days.

Look at the stretch hummer, near central park.

I went up the Empire State Building. Its quite tall. It was actually snowing a bit on the top.

I knew that the thing to do in New York is to eat a bagel. I accidently got a pretzel instead. I wasn't very nice. All the white stuff is salt, which makes it too salty.

Check out the fashion. Looks like these cats stepped straight out of 1985. Except using the internet.

I have no photos of our gig in New York but it was really good. Alexander called all his New York friends to get them to come, and with an expanded Welsh contingent as well, it was a good crowd. The venue, Galapagos was really fabulous. Unfortunately time was a bit limited and the Hepburns had to shorten their set.

I was in New York for about 5 days, and a lot of that time was spent walking around getting sore feet. New York is very big. People's personalities seem bigger too. I personally would not like to live there.

1 comment:

Kathleen Rochester said...

Enjoying the blog. Keep up the info feed.