Tuesday, November 06, 2007

san francisco gig

Yesterday I went into the city of san francisco and had a walk around. I went up Coit Towerwhich was nice and then I walked to the north beach area which was pretty crowded but not very interesting and then I walked back to the financial district through china town which was really cool.

Last night's gig in San Francisco was allright. The place seemed a bit more small and seedy than I expected, but it turned out allright. There was a decent number of people though maybe not quite as many as expected, and it was a crowd that was actually into our kind of music. I quite enjoyed playing my set, and the people really seemed to like it. Pat Grover (Hepburns drummer) said that the songs they did with me were cracking. Yeah, they were pretty good. Getting better.. At least better than we played them at KFJC Radio on Friday..

The Hepburns, with Alexander Bailey looking on.

Local dude Bart Davenport closed the night in great style. He's a fantastic american songwriter/performer. His songs sound like he comes from the east coast, but he actually lives in the same street as Alexander in Berkeley.


Anonymous said...


So what songs of yours do the Hepburns play with you?

Anthony Rochester said...

mathematics, interplanetary relationships.. and metropolitain. its pretty cool, i'm gonna have to gather some musos to do more of that

Anthony Rochester said...

i forgot to mention about how in san francisco I was introduced as being from Tanzania. It was a genuine mistake, no joke.

fional said...

Hey whaddya think of San Franciso? I was there when I was 11 and it made a distinct impression on me as being very funky and very seedy. Is this still true?

Anthony Rochester said...

funky yes, seedy, i suppose parts are, but no more than other cities really. Any big city has seedy parts. The west coast is quite different to the east coast though. Its more laid back and less uptight than the east.