Wednesday, November 14, 2007


There's me with stripy shirt, shiny tie and sparkly guitar in Seattle. I liked Seattle, even though I didn't get to spend hardly any time there because of the trip up to Vancouver.

Seattle was a nice show. The people that helped us out (Saundrah, Steve & Nancy) were great. The Birthdays (local support) were cool. Above you can see Alexander behind the merch table, looking like the proprietor of a dodgy hotel. Even though there was not a huge crowd of people, they were really into all the music, I think.

There's Matt playing a song on an acoustic guitar. He enjoyed the night.

The trip from Seattle to Boston was not without hitches and dramas. Its easy to forget little things like passports and boarding passes in random houses or aeroplanes. We didn't sleep that night but we went to a 24 hr bowling alley, and I got beaten by Pat Grover.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read your road movie story with glee and all I can say about Pat Grovers comment about the car park is that the man is a seer and should be listened to. His words are wise.