Friday, November 30, 2007


I took a train that went from New York to Toronto. It took a long time to get there. Sometimes the train stopped for a while and then kept going. I was sitting in it for something like 13 hours. Its a lot nicer than being in an aeroplane though, because there's plenty of leg room and you can see scenery such as this:

In Toronto I've been hanging out with Helen, and she's awesome. She's a bit shy with cameras. Here's a picture I managed to take when she was trying to hide from the camera:

ok this is not much of a blog entry but you'll find out more if you're in my privelidged circle of privelidge. Did I even spell privelidge right?


Stuart T. Rochester said...

No. And to think you used to be a spelling champion! May I recommend!

Anonymous said...

I am so out of your circle of "privelidge"