Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Matt and I had a discussion about our experience in Oslo. Should we tell the truth? Should we be selective in the truths we tell so as to lead readers into getting a skewed idea of what happened? I'll be pretty truthful.

This was our official gig in Oslo. It was a really nice small venue. We played some songs and finished quickly then left, because.. unfortunately, there were only about 2 people and all the people who would have been at our gig were at this one:

Frode Fivel and other bands. We stayed with Frode Fivel, and he was a really great host. We enjoyed his band too. We ended up playing 2 other gigs with them and some of the songs got stuck in my head many days later.

At this gig, in the breaks between bands, Elak Bingo performed. They were awesome! Who they are will become more clear in the next entry about Fredrikstad, hopefully, but they had 3 different costumes, and performed with dancing and props to their own pre-recorded silly/awesome tunes.

And then the night after, Frode's band was set to play at this other gig, which was apparently a party for someome, but I never discovered who it was. They said Matt and I could play too. There were some fantastic acts that night, including a bosnian folk/prog rock band that got the whole place pumping, I think. The funniest one was called the great gods of power. I needn't explain their music. I don't think its worth it. It was all very Oslo. In Oslo, people like rock, and they aren't really into quiet sophisticated pop. So Matt and I played last, when there were about 4 people left in the place. They liked it though.

But really, Oslo wasn't the best place for us. I had to explain to Matt that all the things I told him about Scandinavian people being into sophisticated pop music are true for Sweden, but not so much Norway. Except maybe for Fredrikstad.. (up next)

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